Internal Name: Sherman
Master Bedroom
On rods from JL Anthony these functional sheers soften the light in the master bedroom. The adjustable bed has the dust ruffle attached to the base with upholstery twist ties.
Master Bedroom
On rods from JL Anthony these functional sheers soften the light in the master bedroom.
Living Room
In the living room these functional linen draperies have a flat braid on the leading edge.
Guest Bedroom
In the guest bedroom there is a functional drapery on a traversing rod from JL Anthony. There is a decorative flat braid on the leading edge. The dust ruffle is attached to the adjustable bed base with upholstery twist ties.
Tailored Dust Ruffle
You wouldn’t know this was an adjustable bed since the dust ruffle hides the base. The ruffle is sewn on a band that is attached to the base with upholstery twist ties.
Traditional Pinch Pleats
Traditional pinch pleats on a JL Anthony traversing rid with no rings.
Traditional Pinch Pleats
A great example of a traversing rod with no rings. These are traditional 3-finger pinch pleats.